Program Duration
Two 12 Week Phases
3 Sessions Per Week
Consists of In-Ring and Character Creation Sessions
5/13 - 7/31 Phase 1
8/5 - 10/24 Phase 2
“Essentials” is a two fold training program that is designed for any “trained” wrestler to make the leap from “independent” to “professional.”
“Essentials” is a custom program designed by the NWA WORLD'S CHAMPION “EC3” to reinvision and reinvigorate your current skill set and bring out the very best of you in all aspects of this sport.
Phase 1 will be a 12 Week focus on:
Assets required to compete with and against wrestling’s best.
Phase 2 will be 12 Weeks focus on:
In depth psychology, character exploration, and self-reliance are what takes you to the next level.
“Essentials” will include:
- Tutelage from TV experienced talents.
- Opportunities under the NWA-Exodus brand.
- Connections to major professional wrestling companies.
- “Content Creation”
- Guidance on bookings, physical training, nutrition, aesthetics, lifestyle, business management, and more with access to the cYn Playbook.
Registration with Tuition Payment secures your spot in the program.
Step 1 - Register Below
Step 2 - Submit Your Payment
For Installment plans, if no payment is received after 5 business days, a 2.5% late fee will be assessed. Failure to make timely payments shall result in program suspension and/or dismissal. Cancellations made 30 days prior to your session start date will receive a full refund. Last minute withdrawals are subject to a 50% refund for cancellations made 14 days in advance. CYN: Co-Operative and any of its affiliations does not offer any money-back guarantees. You recognize and agree to these terms and conditions.